Get ready to Restore Your Energy with Nascent Iodine!! The Original Patent Approved Nascent Iodine
Iodine is a mineral nutrient found and used in every cell for energy production that the body cannot itself synthesize. Iodine must come from diet and there is very little iodine in food, unless it has been added during processing.
Iodine deficiency is one of the four major deficiency diseases in the world and recent surveys have indicated that the proportion of the U.S. population with low iodine levels is increasing.
MAGNASCENT IODINE is a patent approved method of breaking down the iodine molecule to produce magnetically charged and energized atoms of this essential element. This is iodine in the nascent state, but in a unique form which is consumable as a liquid supplement.
Improved Health
About our Manufacturer
After years of research into the science and history of nascent iodine, we have discovered a method by which nascent iodine can be formed using a unique electromagnetic process, thereby making Magnascent Iodine™ a powerful and practical enabler of improved health.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be prescriptive. If you require advice for any particular health reason, it is advised that you consult your healthcare provider.
Magnascent, a division of Shield Bearer, Inc. recently won the Governor’s Small Business Award presented by the First Lady of Texas, Cecilia Abbott. We are an active member of the Better Business Bureau with an A+ rating.